Habemus videos and a podcast! You can see all talks on our channel, and listen to them anywhere on our podcast.

The Angry Talks concept is to put together a series of guests, who are invited to share a story, an experience or a topic they like. These topics can be anything from business related themes to life stories and experiences.

See all dates and details below!

Angry Talks 2.0 - Pijama edition

We are delighted to share with you our new edition of Angry Talks in web-conference format!

Our last speakers below:

Bruno Pires | Moss&Cooper

" Queremos contribuir para passar uma mensagem de esperança, olhando para as oportunidades que possam surgir para os negócios e as pessoas se reinventarem."

Tiago Forjaz | MighT

" Todo o paradigma empresarial está a mudar, e para as empresas mudarem, as pessoas têm que ser as primeiras a reinventaram-se"

Filipa Abrantes | Huawei

" Em 2 meses ocorreu uma revolução digital que supostamente deveria acontecer em 10 anos."

Vanessa Amaral | Worten

"Irei dar exemplos práticos de como os negócios se podem posicionar de forma a manter a ligação com as suas audiências "

Eduardo Espinheira

| Human Management

"Management 3.0 : Continuous improvement through Retrospective - Management bugs and fixes "

Rebeca Venâncio | Revolut

"Communication as a healing weapon in Angry Times"


For a while now, our team has been organizing an internal group dynamic we like to call Angry Talks. We like it so much we decided to make this a public event and share it with everyone.

Each event held 2 to 3 talks, and each speaker had 13 minutes. All talks had a live audience and some networking time. Every event was recorded and shared on YouTube.

However, you can now listen to them anywhere, on our podcast! You can find the Angry Talks Podcast in platforms like Spotify or Google Podcasts.

Check all dates and past videos below!

Disclaimer: All talks are in portuguese